Teen Martial Arts (13-17 Years Old)


Does your teenager need an activity to do? Let’s get them off the screens and into an activity that will set them up to be a healthy and happy adult.

We know that our teens can be successful. Between peer pressure and hormones, they need an activity where they can release their stress in a positive way. Parents have done a lot of work to get them to where they are now. Let us help you get them to the finish line of childhood and their teenage years.


You know what life can throw at you as an adult so you want to prepare your teenager to make life a little easier for them when they get there. A lot of teens feel awkward starting a new activity even though it might be something they need in their life. Our teen classes are led by qualified instructors that bring the students into our martial arts community. Helping them feel welcome at all times gives them the sense of belonging. Martial Arts can teach your teen positive, life skills that will guide them well into the future.


Teenagers learn life skills like self discipline and respect in each class. Sometimes hearing it from someone different then mom and dad has impact on them. The golden rule can be seen by the teenagers, as the way they treat others will reflect back to them as people. It is important that we treat and talk to the teens as adults by demonstrating mutual respect at all times.


It seems like a lot of teens would sit on screens all day if they could. Video games or social media, your teen is being sucked into a screen based epidemic. We need to remember that their brains and bodies are still growing and still need healthy inputs.

Our classes provide a fun and challenging environment in a positive social setting. Get them to invite a friend to train with them as well. Friends that kick together, stick together.


Each belt your teen earns is a goal achieved. A next level unlocked. Learning to set goals and achieve them will be critical for them in adult hood. Not everything comes easy so they will learn patience as their belt grows and they learn new techniques and skills. Patience will be important for their goal setting so they do not give up easily when adult hood puts challenges in their way.


Contact us for more information.
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My teenager loves playing video games. Will they resist the idea of a fitness class?
Maybe. When teens see what we teach and what they can do in class, they see it as cool. We know how to get teens interested in training so bring them to try out two classes for free and we will take care of the rest. They will love it.
My teenager gives up too easily all the time. How will martial arts training help?
Our instructors teach a never give up attitude. We will help show your teen the value of sticking with an activity or goal. But a lot of times teens quit because they are bored. Our classes are always high energy and a lot of fun, taught by qualified instructors that make the classes inclusive for everyone.
My teen always feels bullied or shy around others. How can studying martial arts help?
Teens that train in martial arts carry themselves with confidence and self esteem. We do not how long it will take for them to develop that but it will happen. With that confidence, they will be less of a target. They will also know how to defend themselves if they need to.


  • The instructors at Excel Chilliwack are excellent. They are great with children, teens and adults. I've seen how much the kids just love their instructors. They are great role models - strict, but caring and loving. The training area is massive and allows plenty of space for training. Highly recommend.
  • My husband and I decided we wanted our girls in something that will teach them discipline, strength, and ways to defend themselves. After looking at a few other places we decided on Excel and it was the best choice ever. The teachers and student helpers are simply amazing and truly care about the children and helping them. We have found our forever home with Excel!
  • I would rate higher if i could. Amazing instructors that actually care about the kids achieving goals and succeeding. I have taken my child to other Karate classes before and it was basically let the kids run around for 30 minutes. Excel is totally different and my child loves going. Thank-you to Adam and his amazing team.
  • We are having the most amazing experience here at Chilliwack Excel Martial Arts. My daughter done a lot of different types of activities but this is by far her favourite.
    Every day she she is having so much fun while learning so many new things and making life long friendships! Teachers are amazing and such good role models for the kids.
    100% recommend giving them a try, and the first class is free if you are unsure if this is for you or your kid!
  • Excel Martial Arts Chilliwack isn't just a gym. It really is a family, with how much care goes into the students that train. They have proficiently adapted to COVID restrictions and keep their gym in super clean condition. I highly recommend this gym to anyone, such a genuine and positive atmosphere!